what is blockchain?

Blockchain is a decentralized, distributed, and immutable ledger that uses cryptographic consensus mechanism in order to keep the ecosystem in sync. So, what does all this mean? Imagine a future where you would be able to trade or exchange your digital and physical assets without any intermediaries by having technological trust that is embedded in cryptographically secure code.

why invest in blockchain?

You might ask yourself, if it’s decentralized why do we need “HedgeX”? Understanding Bitcoin and cryptoassets can be a daunting task. As we all know, the media provides very little information, just enough to get you involved, but not enough to help you understand the ins and outs.

This is where HedgeX comes in! We are a group of professionals who are dedicating ourselves to do our due diligence and extensive research so that you and your family can maintain your lifestyle and focus on your own business and jobs, while being part of this revolutionary financial movement.     

Cryptoassets are more volatile than traditional investments. To give a few examples, in November 30th, 2013, BTC was trading roughly around $1,130 and the next day December 1st it dropped to $802 and started to decline to as low as $170 till’ January 14th, 2015. BTC’s value declined approximately 85% over 411 days. On the contrary, BTC hit over $20,000.00 on December 17th, 2017 it’s all-time-high (ATH). That’s almost 20 folds if you had invested in 2013!